If you want to calculate months to the nearest whole month you can make a simple adjustment to the formula. DATEDIF start_date end_date 15m This ensures that end dates occurring in the second half of the month are treated like dates in the following month effectively rounding up the final result. To get a future date which is 100 days later based on current date please apply the following simple formula.
Date function will take the input from the user for a date month and year they will give results in the serial number or date format.
DATEYEARdateMONTHdate10 So in the above example we can see various month in A1 columns and B1 shows the Last day of the month. In case you want to get the total number of months as well as days between two dates you can use the below formula. Ensure the starting date is properly formatted go to Format Cells press Ctrl 1 and make sure the number is. Date function will take the input from the user for a date month and year they will give results in the serial number or date format.