Convert from cubic feet to kilowatt hours multiply by 316586. Kilowatt-hour kilowatt hour. If you multiply amps by volts--a measure of electrical potential--you get Watts which measure the consumption of electricity.
Well show you how to do the working out a bit later but the simplest way to convert m3 to kwh is to use our gas meter reading calculator below.
If the price of gas in your area is 250 per gallon enter 25 if the price of electricity is 009c per kWh enter 009 As you enter the data our calculator will automatically update to give you the cost to travel 100 miles for both the gas car and an electric vehicle. Subtract the new meter reading from the previous reading to work out the volume of gas used. If you have a metric meter you do not need to use the imperial to metric conversion factor 283. Think of 10 living room lamps burning 100 watt bulbs for 60 minutes for a practical demonstration of the unit.