I agree to other answers here It is like subtracting 75 and multiplying with 100 although I never understood the logic behind it. For better understanding have a look at the table below. Now you can either use this formula to convert SGPA to Percentage or you can calculate CGPA from your SGPA and then easily calculate your percentage.
For instance CGPA Earned 82 075x 10 745 Computation of SGPA and CGPA.
300600100 50 2. To find out the approximate percentage multiply the CGPA with 95 that is 97 x 95 8265 So the approximate percentage obtained by a student is 8265. Once you know the credit points for each subject multiply the credit points allotted to each subject with the grades allotted in respective subjects. Grad-Dreamss percentage to CGPA converter will do the work.