For example if a lifters power clean and power snatches have a very high ratio are above 85 and 675 versus the clean and snatch its obviously that the athlete is either exceptionally powerful or has technical or mobility issues in getting under the bar into. Weight - just put the heli on the scales. You simply get your average power for a given time and divide it by your weight in kilograms.
To get a sense of how your FTP stacks up Overton recommends converting it to a power-to-weight ratio your FTP divided by your weight in kilograms.
That will provide you with the PWR for that given duration. To work out your power-to-weight ratio figure simply divide your maximum power output in watts by your body mass in kilograms kg. Power-to-weight ratio is equal to thrust per unit mass multiplied by the velocity of any vehicle. Solving for vehicle power to weight ratio.