As an example instead of saying it rained 14 days out of every 100 we say it rained 14 of the time Percentages can be written as decimals by moving the decimal point two places to the left. When the new value is greater then the old value it is a percentage increase otherwise it is a decrease. If you eat 2 apples then you have eaten 210 100 20 of your apples and you are left with 80 of your original apples.
For example say you have 10 apples 100.
Percent means for every 100 or out of 100 The symbol as a quick way to write a fraction with a denominator of 100. There are two methods of finding the percent of change between two numbers. When calculating percent increase the smaller number is the original or old value and the bigger number is the new or final value. There are many formulas for percentage problems.