You can use a ratio to solve problems by setting up a proportion equation that is an equation involving two ratios. A ratio can be written in three different ways and all are read as the ratio of x to y x. Solving problems with percent.
An example in three variables is x³ 2xyz² yz 1.
Addition Algebra Comparing Counting Decimals Division Estimation Exponents roots and logarithms Fractions Functions and equations Geometry and spatial reasoning Graphs Integers Logic and reasoning Measurement Mixed operations Money and consumer math Multiplication Number theory Patterns Percents Place values Probability and statistics. Mc-graw-hill aptitude test Algebra Help parents taks math vocabulary calculator program factoring. A good way to work with a ratio is to turn it into a fraction. Addition Algebra Comparing Counting Decimals Division Estimation Exponents roots and logarithms Fractions Functions and equations Geometry and spatial reasoning Graphs Integers Logic and reasoning Measurement Mixed operations Money and consumer math Multiplication Number theory Patterns Percents Place values Probability and statistics.