Mathrandom Mathrandom returns a random number between 0 inclusive and 1 exclusive. Map function num index if index 3 return num index goes from 0 so the filterNumbers are 123 and undefined. Let numbers 1 2 3 4 let filteredNumbers numbers.
AddEventlistener expects a function to be given not the execution result of a function unless that is a function itself.
Discord discordjs javascript nodejs This question might have a few duplicates but the code there is different and none of the answers work for me. Starting to learn JavaScript so I decided to make a program that would take in a string and then return the same string but it will have different colors on each character. FilteredNumbers is 1 2 3 undefined numbers is still 1 2 3 4. Definition and Usage The random method returns a random number from 0 inclusive up to but not including 1 exclusive.