Students can use this resource all year long to refer to and help support the skills needed in 6th grade math. STAAR GRADE 8 MATHEMATICS REFERENCE MATERIALS 22 r State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness STAAR LINEAR EQUATIONS Slope-intercept form ym xb Direct variation yk x Slope of a line m yy xx 21 21 CIRCUMFERENCE Circle Cr2p or Cdp AREA Triangle A h 1 2 b Rectangle or parallelogram Ab h Trapezoid A 1 b 2 12 b h Circle Arp 2 SURFACE AREA Lateral Total. Staar mathematics grade 3 practice questions.
These math games were designed to help students practice important 5th grade math skills be easy to play encourage higher level thinking and require.
STAAR GRADE 4 MATHEMATICS REFERENCE MATERIALS LENGTH Customary Metric 1 mile mi 1760 yards yd 1 kilometer km 1000 meters m 1 yard yd 3 feet ft 1 meter m 100 centimeters cm 1 foot ft 12 inches in 1 centimeter cm 10 millimeters mm VOLUME AND CAPACITY Customary Metric. KE 1mv 2. STAAR PHYSICS RefeRenCe MATeRIAlS. Staar grade 7 mathematics 8th grade math staar review study sheet 8th grade math 6th grade math formulas chart exit level mathematics chart tea grade 7 math reference chart 30 pack 2 staar conversion chart beautiful 8th grade math staar.