Our model is given in. Beginequation Emc2 eqemc endequation It renders the equation below 121. I got this problem only when I used Mac so I dont know were is the problem.
If you want to add an equation on its own line simply add the LaTeX code for the equation R Markdown will recognise the LaTeX automatically.
I can auto-number mathjax equations in an R markdown document in RStudio by adding the following statement to the beginning of the Rmd document. Beginequation Emc2 eqemc endequation It renders the equation below 121. Rmarkdown supports LaTeX style equation writing. You can provide a number for an equation by adding beginequation along with a label provided with eqlabel beginequation Y sim Xbeta_0 Xbeta_1 epsilon tag141 endequation You can then refer to the equation in text using refeqmodel.