In this study the exact traveling wave solutions of the time fractional complex Ginzburg-Landau equation with the Kerr law and dual-power law nonlinearity are studied. A instantaneous fractional melts which become very depleted in abundances of highly C. 21 Definition of the RiemannLiouville Fractional Integral Let be a real nonnegative number.
The time fractional diffusion equation represents a linear integro-differential equation.
In this study the exact traveling wave solutions of the time fractional complex Ginzburg-Landau equation with the Kerr law and dual-power law nonlinearity are studied. Then the conformable fractional derivative of f of order a is defined as T a f t lim e 0 f a 1 t e t a a f a 1 t e where a is the smallest integer greater than or equal to a. Fractional differential equationsFDEs involve fractional derivatives of the form dadxa which are defined for a0 where ais not necessarily an integer. They have attracted considerable interest due to their ability to model complex phenomena.