M ultiplication and D ivision from left to right A ddition and S ubtraction from left to right One way to memorize this is to think of the phrase P lease E xcuse M y D ear A unt S ally. PEMDAS stands for P arentheses E xponents M ultiplication and D ivision A ddition and S ubtraction You may also see BEDMAS and BODMAS as order of operations acronyms. I know how to perform mixed operations with addition subtraction multiplication and division.
PEMDAS can best be remembered by either using it as one word or using an acronym.
In math order of operations are the rules that state the sequence in which the multiple operations in an expression should be solved. Evaluate any expressions with exponent. For example in mathematics and most computer languages multiplication is granted a higher precedence than addition and it has been this way since the. The acronyms for order of operations mean you should solve equations in this order always working left to right in your equation.