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what types of formula does wic cover. Therapeutic Formula If a WIC contract formula is not appropriate for a participant there may be a medical condition warranting the need for a therapeutic formula. Infants with special dietary needs may receive an appropriate alternative formula according to Georgias WIC policies and federal regulations.
Infant Feeding Options Texas Wic from
This is required by law to guarantee that Moms on WIC have access to the only brand of formula they can get for free. It does not provide all of the formula an infant or child may need each month. Two major types of nutritional risk are recognized for WIC eligibility.
These WIC approved formula brands consist of milk-based products and soy-based products.
The standard WIC options in Massachusetts are only. WIC does not permit the issuance of RTURTF formulas when more than one type of a formula is available ie if available in Powder or Concentrate unless there are concerns regarding safe preparation of the formula. Because the various standard formulas are nutritionally equivalent Federal WIC Regulations require states to contract with one manufacturer for the routine provision of iron-fortified standard milk- and soy-based infant formulas. Gerber Good Start Gentle.